As a specialist in gynecology and obstetrics, Dr. Friedrich is not only highly qualified to answer oncological questions but also a trustworthy and very approachable professional, especially for our young patients.
Dr. Friedrich is one of 3 doctors in our practice and has worked at the Stauferklinikum Mutlangen for numerous years.
In cooperation with Dr. Moisidis-Tesch and Dr. Elsen she brings a wide range of experience and expertise, not only in gynecology and obstetrics in general, but especially in the care of oncological patients.
Of particular importance to her in her earlier clinical work was the establishment of “Fertiprotekt” - a program aimed at preserving fertility in cancer patients. Through this important work, Dr. Friedrich was able to advise and support many oncological patients on matters of family planning.
She is also specialised in working with patients suffering from Endometriosis. Having written her dissertation on “Endometriosis and its diagnosis” she is highly aware of the worries, questions and concerns her patients may have.
As a mother and medical professional, Dr. Friedrich cares deeply about the health of young girls. Having completed special training in teenage gynecology, Meduna is pleased that Dr. Friedrich will offer the “teenagers’ consultation hour”, which is specifically designed for young patients, starting autumn 2022.
- 2010
Medical exam
- 2010 – 2018
Staufenklinikum Mutlangen
Residency Training in Gynecology and Obstetrics followed by role as Consultant- 2012
Doctoral degree obtained from the University of Erlangen
- 2015
Board exam in Gynecology and Obstetrics
- 2017
Additional Qualification in “medical oncology / systemic tumor therapy”
- 2018 - 2020
Group Practice Dr. Hock and Colleagues
Consultant for Gynecology and Obstetrics- 2020 - 2022
Group practice for obstetrics and gynecology
Drs. Vedder, Elsen, Bartels, Moisidis-Tesch, Wiesbaden
Consultant for Gynecology and Obstetrics
„Analysis of the impact of quality of diagnostic testing on the time to diagnosis in patients with endometriosis“ – University of Erlangen
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe
Deutsche Menopause Gesellschaft